The new year is here and maybe you set some “resolutions.” If you have been in connection with me for a while, you know that I work out at the gym regularly. I was once a strength and conditioning coach, so I can’t give up the habit, I guess. I know some of you think I’m crazy.
This time of year is entertaining because the gym gets PACKED! Everyone in the first couple of weeks is motivated and inspired to lose weight, get fit, or whatever the goal is.
The regulars are annoyed with the extra people slowing down their workout, but then week three comes. All is back to as it was.
What happened?
Priorities shifted. Everyone has the same amount of time, but the priorities in our lives shift and what we focus on expands. It may be work, home, life, or any of a number of things, but we get off track.
Let me briefly unpack three types of priorities we have in our lives and over the next few weeks I will dive deeper into each individual area.
This is the big vision we have for our life. In his book
Built to Last researcher and author Jim Collins calls this a BHAG or Big Hairy Audacious Goal. Going back to the gym story, this is the person who is extremely overweight and wants to lose weight so they can enjoy life and their family.
The macro priority usually aligns with some deep “why” in our life. The macro priorities are our guide for what to focus on and are often informed by our values. I’ll dive deeper into this in another post, but let’s go to the next type of priority.
You have a list of tasks that need to be accomplished and are not sure how you are going to get it all done. You have multiple plates spinning and feel overwhelmed. This is a sign you need to focus on micro-prioritizing. At the end of the week or beginning of the next week take a moment and think: what is required of me?
This question will help you get clear on what only you can do and know what needs to be at the top of your list for the week. Going back to the gym this is deciding what you need to focus on during your time there. Is it cardio, is it strength training, a combination, or do you simply need to hire a personal trainer to help get you started.
You have your vision, you know your top priorities, but now you need to create pathways in your brain to make it a permanent priority. Research shows that it takes 21 days to start a new habit and 63 to make it permanent.1 So our gym friends who quit after two weeks have not even started to ingrain the pathway. On the other hand, those who stick to it for two months are probably going to stay with it.
The nano priorities are simply habits. What are the daily habits that help you get to your Macro priorities. As leadership expert John Maxwell says: “Consistency compounds.” Consistent small habits that are a priority will help you reach your Macro priorities.
As you look at these three areas of priorities, which one do you need to work on? Need a tool to help you be more effective at prioritizing your time go
HERE for a FREE tool to help you see where you are using your time and a way to prioritize it more effectively. Lead Well.
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1. retrieved 12/20/24